Friday, September 08, 2006

eat me away!

What is this beast of mine? It feeds on me. I feed it. Without knowing, without realising that it's being fed and that, should the feeding cease for some reason for unacceptable period of time (unacceptable by whose standards - mine?beast's? or the society's?) it then starts gnawing inside. Eating away.

Why feed it at all? Afterall it's still a young beast, unlike the age old one of hunger or sleep. A young beast which did not replace any such being or even a thought of such a thing which existed before.

Should I feed it? Helping it to grow and grow until there is no place or space left of me? me- without the beast. (would I still exist then, in some small way?) or is it that the beast grows to encircle me in it's vicious grips when it is starving and not appeased? Yes! That's it!! It's the hunger that feeds it. Not the feeding. My beast which lies within me, lies awaiting not to be fed. So that it can take over any thought, so that there's only the thought of itself left. A clever creation. Eitherway, it's thirst will be quenched and hunger satisfied.

If only the rest of me was as such.