Thursday, October 23, 2003

I am all alone at home at 10.51pm, and a @#$%&! cockroach scared the living daylights out of me. Don't u dare laugh, I am serious. Abt 5 mins ago I heard some noise - it was like the cellophane bag being rustled. I know I am all alone, so armed with my beloved's cricket bat (damn it's heavy!) I walk out into the dining area - to see what? A BLOODY LOATHFUL COCOROACH! EUGH!!!!!!!(Time for fumigation AGAIN!)

why were they created in the first place?
I actually know some people who can be compared to those creatures - no laughing matter.

On a totally different note, subtlety never works with Patrick. poor guy, I am so sure he is a great student. but need to unwind a bit. I was in the lab drinking milk, and he says I am not allowed to do so in the lab, almost drags/pushes me out! Sheesh! To topp it off GoKhan goes " so Gaaya, how's ur boyfriend Patrick" Talk abt LOL!!!!!!!

Sooooo tired, swimboard is starting to key before me eyes, catch ya later.

If u were wondering abt the fate of the cockroach... it DIED!!!!(how? I'll leave that to your imagination!!)

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