Thursday, July 15, 2004

"You've got a dimple" Catherine said. I couldn't believe my ears, me?have a dimple? oh! WOW! only I know that it's one of few(ok ok..inumerable)"how nice it would be if"s. maybe just maybe God had heard enough of this and has decided to put a dimple on me chubby cheeks overnight.(God is known to perform miracles you know). while my mind was racing ahead of me thinking this, I ran to the restroom. standing in front of the mirror I was smiling at various levels..smiling grinning - even an ear to ear( NO! not literally, 'coz my mouth is not so big <--in physical terms) even turning my head to all possible sides it would turn to, trying soo hard to find one. Did I find a Dimple? if you call a reeeeally elongated dent on the surface of my cheek running along the side of my mouth (only) when I smile..then YES! I found a dimple.

Dissapponted I got back to my seat and asked Catherine why she would lie to me. she said "it's not really a dimple dimple...but it's there..slightly!" huh!what!?
then KT goes "she must be talking o your invisible dimple" Haa haa! verrry funny (NOT).

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