Monday, December 22, 2003

My! My!! what a wonderful world of parents we live in. Geez! (No offence Paree!)

Went to this particular 31st day ceremony for a baby. almost everyone there was carrying around an infant - so much so that I did not know who was whose!! Anyhoo, they - the moms started talking abt collicks, sleepless nights and other matters of the kind. I did not know what on earth they were on abt - except that they were talking abt the kids. They even asked me when I was going to have my babies. One even suggested that they might visit my "bambino" in ten months' time. The nerve! (Oh! were they to know abt my twins in November!).

Who ARE these people? They are the ppl who ask you( endless stream of questions) - "so-when will we see ur baby", "xx years since u married? no kids yet?where's ur husband?maybe I should have a talk with him" <-- YEAH! maybe then he'll tell u 2 shut up!!

This thing of getting caught in the middle of "infants,kids & I've-had-enough-would-u-please-shutup-now" seems to happen to me at EVERY get together. is this some sort of conspiracy? actually I am not the only person experiencing this exruciating (one way) conversations, there is a another soul which shares it with me. unfortunately for me she was not there today!!!


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