Monday, February 23, 2004

I am sore, and in pain... that is to say my right hand is. From the shoulder, extending even down to the ribs @ the bk. it is because our house became the grounds for our cricket "practices". Since I was complaining that we don't get enough excercise or do more things together, hubby thought it to be a good idea to play cricket indoors. ( we have done this before, but ofcourse this excruciating pain NOT being the result!) We played for a good 90 minutes. I am sure neither of us have sweated like that in long time.While my hits were saying hello to the kitchen cupbord, his were of a different calibre. Even tho' he managed to put dents in the fridge and the rice cooker, the crowning moment was when the ball bounced off the kitchen wall and picked a fight with the water pitcher. Ofcourse the ball emerged victorious having smashed a hole in the pitcher.

while he was hitting in all directions possible, I was trying to bowl properly...trying to get him out. Thus I overworked the already overworked right hand of mine. Little did I know it was going to take revenge on me. so, now I am aching. I hope to get relief from some balm and/or ice. but for that I have wait until hubby boy gets home. I wonder how he's holding up...whether he needs the same pain alleviation as I do.


இராவணன் said...

//Ofcourse the ball emerged victorious having smashed a hole in the pitcher//


இராவணன் said...

//Ofcourse the ball emerged victorious having smashed a hole in the pitcher//
