Friday, February 20, 2004

I have crazes. Fleeting crazes. I am deeply interested or obsessed with something...and a week later I am into something else. Take for example..the year 2003 - I was into:

Kolam / Rangoli
Hindus Valley Civilization (I even mailed Asko Parpola!!) So badly wanted to be working at an archeological site!
Collecting baby names (that has come full circle..I am into it again)
Making cards
Collecting and pressing leaves and flowers
Downloading music ( I still do that but the intensity is not there anymore)
Buying this Real Robots Magazine and assembling /putting together a "Cybot"
Going to Garage sales where I never bought a thing!
Creating my website

the list goes on....

Does this happen to anyone else too? or is it just me? My mom knew my "impulses" I guess. whenever I started something she had this look on her face - Thinking back, I think she was secretly shaking her head at me, wondering from whence came these weird obsesions of mine!

1 comment:

இராவணன் said...

//think she was secretly shaking her head at me//
